Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Springtime....

Every where I la la!

The winter hasn't been HORRIBLY bad, but the smell of soil and the bulb shoots popping out of the ground have me looking forward to spring and itching to get started trimming and planting.

What I SHOULD be doing is working on some Ukrainian eggs, since Easter is right around the corner. I think I'll just get a couple done before the big day, but perhaps will stay inspired once I get started. Here is a work in progress, and one that is finished:

The Easter tree is decorated and in a room with a door so the cats can't treat it like a mouse, and we are looking forward to the preparation and devouring of the traditional Slovak Easter meal, will post recipes and pictures as that wonderfulness unfolds. We'll miss T&C this year, but look forward to having C&J home. C's blog has recipes that will help us recover from the traditional unhealthiness of this once a year indulgence : )

Will be working on some personal renewal and am wishing same for the world!


  1. This song played in my head right away and made me smile! We are SO looking forward to our visit as well, and I think J is particularly excited for the meal. =)
