Sunday, January 26, 2014

Etymology of Twist (or) A Twisted Tale (or) A Tale with a Twist

JS and I were on our way back from the gym and saw these incredible vines twisted around the trunk of a tree. It's not a very good excuse for the nonsense that follows, but I don't care.

Twist - What a funny twisted word. Fibers twisted together into a wick or a rope. Trunk of a twisted tree. Twisted vines around the trunk of a twisted tree. Let's do the twist, like we did last summer, or are you too twisted? Don't you twist me? It's not like we're entering in to a twist from which we'll not be able to become unentwenched, or unentree-nched.

Here I am, spirit and matter, all twisted up together in a rope of experiences that enables me to create twisted tales, making sense only to twisted minds. I'll  take my experiences with a twist of lemon!

So as not to get anyone's knickers in a twist, I don't think this tale should become any more twisted.

I twist you enjoyed this twisted tale, perhaps next I'll write tales of tails.


  1. This post twisted my mind - in a good way :)

    Good to see a post from you. I've missed your posts!

    1. Hahaha! Glad to hear it! I hope to keep up with it better now that things are settling down...very chaotic end to 2013.

  2. Robin, all these times that you left me sweet messages on our blog, I didn't realize you had your own. Consider me now a follower, and a very twisted interesting post.

    1. Welcome...I hope you enjoy mine as much as I enjoy yours, but wait, I don't think there is anything more enjoyable than those sweet little faces that belong to your girls!

  3. pretty nice blog, following :)
