JS and I were on our way back from the gym and saw these incredible vines twisted around the trunk of a tree. It's not a very good excuse for the nonsense that follows, but I don't care.
Twist - What a funny twisted word. Fibers twisted together into a wick or a rope. Trunk of a twisted tree. Twisted vines around the trunk of a twisted tree. Let's do the twist, like we did last summer, or are you too twisted? Don't you twist me? It's not like we're entering in to a twist from which we'll not be able to become unentwenched, or unentree-nched.
Here I am, spirit and matter, all twisted up together in a rope of experiences that enables me to create twisted tales, making sense only to twisted minds. I'll take my experiences with a twist of lemon!
So as not to get anyone's knickers in a twist, I don't think this tale should become any more twisted.
I twist you enjoyed this twisted tale, perhaps next I'll write tales of tails.