Monday, August 12, 2013

Reflections – in words

I previously posted reflections in pictures, just to get back into the swing of things after having taken some time to attend to life happenings, and now I will try my best to convey some recent events without being boring : )
It all started with a fantastic heat wave in July. The dog days of summer were definitely dog days this summer of 2013. High humidity, high heat, sweat pouring off every part of one’s body with the mere act of stepping out of the front door, hazy, crazy days that should have been practiced as lazy as well; but try to tell that to an older gentleman who was accustomed to doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and with a will that enabled him to walk and drive right up to one week before he passed away to the next phase of life. We imagine he entered his new life with similar energy.

Memories are made in each little moment of each ordinary day. Small gestures of caring given, and acknowledgement of any gesture of caring received, are things that are remembered by those we love, and by those who love us. To pay attention to, and to appreciate, the simple gifts of everyday life, is to find happiness that is lasting and true.

We will always remember that our children came right home to be present during a difficult time, to offer their love and support, and to add to the family memories already banked. We received lots of support from siblings, cousins (honorable mention to MC and JC), and friends. Individual lives are reminders that we are all connected.
When I walk on the weekends, the walk is four miles, two miles longer than the two mile walks I take during the work week. On my weekend walks, the first two miles are a little bit more difficult psychologically. When I turn around to start the return trip, I feel good, I don’t care what happens, I’m through the hard part and now I can just enjoy the scenery, breathe deep, and be alert for any extraordinary things that may cross my path since I don’t feel like I have to pace myself the rest of the way. JS and I just celebrated thirty married years together. If our marriage were to be compared to my four mile walk, we have just completed the first two miles, pacing ourselves, paying attention to raising children, creating time for the extended family, and planning for our future. Now we start the return trip. The next thirty years I envision as a time for enjoying different aspects of the same road, breathing a bit more deeply, taking more time to enjoy our inner lives, and watching the turns the lives of our children take. I am looking forward to the return trip, and I know the metaphor is an oversimplification of life, just chalk it up to poetic license. 

Wishes to you for happiness and wellness coupled with an appreciation for each moment.


  1. Oh my gosh I didn't realize you were Tess' mom??? She used to be a regular visitor to my blog. I love her blog. Happy 30 year anniversary :)

    1. Yes! Tess is how I learned of you! Thank you for the well 30, piece of cake : )

  2. This is so beautiful, Mom. Love you.

  3. I love you too, Clair. Thank you : )
